Account Management Mobile App
Client: Bank Leumi | Beginning of work: 2014 | Duration of project: 1 year
In this project I designed the new account management mobile app of "Bank Leumi".
The app allows the user to track his account status and perform financial operations.
The release of the app resulted in a 51% increase in the number of private customers performing mobile operations. Additionally, 71% increase in the number of business customers performing mobile operations.
Final design screenshots

My role in the project:
In this project I collaborated with another UX Designer.
Likewise, I instructed the graphic design process and accompanied the development team until the app was released.
This stage included:
Mobile Apps
Based on the research I learned a lot about the user's needs and pain points.
In general, performing financial operations in the current application is complicated and users reported difficulty finding the information they were looking for.
Screen Design
After summing the insights that came up from the research, I approached the screen design stage.The Wireframes that I presented were created using Axure software.
Here are a few examples:
The new concept of the homepage is based on a couple of main principles:
A more personal note approach (user picture + greeting)
A quick access to account balance (before login)
A quick access to the most common actions (before login)
A simple and clear navigation to the login screen
The old Homepage design

The new Homepage wireframe

Information Architecture
The old app menu had a very long scroll which reflects the complexity of the information architecture.
New design main changes:
The new menu was divided into two sections:
The first one includes the "Financial worlds". The second one includes personal information, settings and navigation to other screens (which do not include financial information. e.g. "social networks").
All the financial actions were gathered into a separated window.
The user can access all the actions by clicking on "All actions" button.
The old Menu design

The new Menu design

The new Menu wireframes

This is a new screen that was added to the new application.
The need for this screen arose out of the difficulty for users to navigate through all the available information and get a general picture of their account.
The screen displays all the financial products of the user, in a graphic and interesting way. This screen also functions as a main navigation screen.
The Feed screen wireframe

The Feed screen final design

Money Transfer
This is one of the most common actions in the app.
The new design tried to simplify as much as possible the transfer process.
Many changes were taking place before and after the usability testing.
Transfer money before login wireframes:

Transfer money wireframes:

Account Transactions Screen
The Account Transactions screen is an example of a main screen design.
The most significant changes from the old design are:
The changing account number mechanism (the user clicks on the account number to change account).
The most interesting information (the account balance) is displayed in a big way.
The transactions list is displayed like a time-line, a much intuitive way for the user to find a transaction.
The old Account Transactions screen

The new Account Transactions screen wireframe

The new Account Transactions screen final design

Showing future transactions
final design

Changing account number
final design

A Few Last Words
This project is of great importance to me as it is the first mobile project I have worked on. Working on the project contributed a lot to me on a professional level because I got to use usability tests for the first time and see how significant its contribution is to the product.
Also, it was very interesting for me to see reactions from real users while they are using the product I designed.